Friday, July 30, 2010

de-installation of Michael Boonstra's exhibit








Richard and Kathleen

It was a work day at Project Space for interns and staff. It was not without hesitation that each person began to paint over M. Boonstra's work; one is not accustomed to "erasing" paintings. But with some conversation the crew began to think of it as creating a new work and as a one-day performance piece.

views of Project Space


Layne Young's work table




Kathy and Eric

Eric and Ann

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Last day of art class at Project Space

works created by the class will be exhibited on Wednesday August 4

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Body Habitat Walking at Project Space

Lisa Wells and Lily Gael

Lily, Lisa, Phil

Lily and Lisa's presentation was informative and insightful regarding their experiences walking from Corvallis to Salem, en route to Portland. The walking body experiences a multitude of impressions which Lily and Lisa shared with the audience. Phil Krug supplied audio-visual tech support for their video. More information is here and here.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Body Habitat Walking: join Lily and Lisa for their talk and walk: Tuesday, July 27th, 7pm, at Project Space

Body Habitat Walking is propelled by many curiosities:

What does walking and our feet have to teach us?
What of the commoditization of the natural body walking into a sport-based activity, or a method to lose weight, or a way to raise money for good causes?

Who benefits and who loses when we walk?
The geo-architectural planning implications of a culture that does not walk?
The development of psychosocial personality & belief structures (many fear & class based) that become reinforced in the Mind that does not walk on the planet?
The character of physical weariness & longing of the body that does not walk on its native landscape?

Is walking a way to recover the paradise-cycle of being lost, found, lost, and found again, repetitively throughout a lifetime?
What of the eco-political forces that keeps us dependent on wheels instead of feet?

Can walking weave an awareness of fragility and mortality into our everyday lives?

Body Habitat collaboration project is fueled by a collective curiosity and investigation into the human body and its endeavors into and on the natural landscapes. The ones we either imagine or encounter: both wild and populated. --- Body Habitat artists' statement

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Coming Soon!!! Tuesday, July 27 at 7PM -.Body Habitat Walking: feet not wheels

On Tuesday evening July 27th, 2010, Body Habitat project will present and discuss work from their summer project: Body Habitat Walking project: feet not wheels. Body Habitat collaborators, Lily Gael & Lisa Wells, will be walking into Project Space, 155 Liberty, NE, in downtown Salem, Oregon at 7pm. They’ll be at the end of the 3rd day of their walk that begins in Monmouth, Oregon and will eventually complete in Portland Oregon on Aug. 2nd. The Project Space presentation will end with an invitation for you to make the short walk with them to their motel, The Salem Travel Lodge. See more about their project here.

Benefit for the Birds

thank you to the participants!!!

gallery visitors

Kathleen Dinges and David

musicians Sara Greenleaf and Noah Seitz

The Benefit for Birds opening reception was well attended with attendees who are very interested in contributing in some way to the rescue of animals affected by the oil catastrophe in the Gulf on Mexico. Artists, interested viewers, families and their children were there to view and purchase works. Congrats to Barry Shapiro for organizing the benefit and for all of his work to make it a success.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tuesday 7-20-10

Today Barry Shapiro's class was doing a photo shoot...of each other and then of a volunteer, who got a big kick out of it

Meanwhile passers-by couldn't help playing in the this case, luckily, it was video water in Michael Boonstra's terrific video presentation

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

views of Project Space

Michael Boonstra's installation continues to morph

interaction with video projection: playing in water

Bonnie Hull in Project Space

Bonnie Hull and Corrie Loomis-Dietz in Project Space

here come the birds!